Tuesday, November 14

Shout Out

Being the kind and understanding totalitarian leader that I am, I am known to recognize - when the action of recognition is important.

Such as it is at this moment.

A shout-out to my fabulous Aunt Jennie who is celebrating her natal day in style with cupcakes and clementines.

And I thought the best way to pay homage to such a wonderful lady is to showcase a fabulous photo of myself (and her, too).

If you are questioning the food on my face, just know it was an attempt to stifle some of this incredible beauty, and blend in with the locals - I was in Virginia when this photo was taken... sketchy country, I tell you! Very sketchy.

So, Happy Birthday, Aunt Jen! Have a cocktail for me! Or better yet, bring one with you when you come on Saturday, I might need it.

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NEW YORK CITY - Kim Jong Il aka StellaBee was gravely upset earlier today when she discovered the role of Totalitarian Leader has already been handed out to the world's youngest Wall Street Phenom/Baby Army MasterMind, Emma Claire.

StellaBee refused to comment except to repeatedly swear revenge. However, shortly after she was assuaged some frustration due to a lengthy phone call from our world's self-declared leader.

In a move reserved for those of Great Confidence and Great Strategy, Emma Claire, or "eclair" as the EmmaSquad is known to affectionately call her, immediately held a press conference to name StellaBee her new GLB (Great Legal Brain).

It seems the former Mortal Enemies have made peace, and joined forces to create what may go down in history as the Greatest Baby Army of All Time.

photo by AnneMarie Gallagher | gallagher.annie@gmail.com

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Wednesday, November 8

Taking on the White House

Aunt Emmi and I have recently been discussing my plans for TWD (Total World Domination), and she suggested I begin with taking over the White House.

I was intrigued by her ideas, and agreed with her decision to start the coup d'etat by first going to la masion blanche.

Unfortunately, the timing was not quite right, and alas, our planned Total White House Domination landed right in the midst of Nap Time.

Below is the documentation of our first attempt. Next time, we aim to go a bit earlier in the day.

I started to wake up just as our walk concluded. But all was not lost! I discovered two priceless bits of information.

The first:

There is an ENTIRE MUSEUM dedicated to my ancestors: Women of Power.

And the second:

Alice Cooper is coming to the Warner Theatre!
So all in all, the day was not a complete bust. Now to convince Dad to take me to the concert...

By the way, here's to everyone who voted yesterday! Let's see about working on this whole "waiting until you are 18 to cast a ballot" nonsense.

Thursday, November 2

Take Up Arms Against a Sea of Trouble

By now, you are all aware that the Baby Army is armed and dangerous.

Surely each and every one of you felt the fear ripple down your neck as you heard the pitter patter of feet on your front step, and upon opening the door, looked down to discover a sea of goblin faces and a splattering of superheroes. All of them eager for your most precious of all pantry staples and willing to do whatever it takes to get the goods: CANDY.

Yes! The first organized movement of the Baby Army was successful! Prepare yourselves foolish adults! We have only just begun.