Monday, July 24

Fringe Delights

Sure. We don't always see eye to eye, but Austin and I have one thing in common: our love of a good story. We can make you laugh. We can make you cry. We can make you shake in your boots over the growing troops of the Baby Army, or the threat of a surrealistic political play.

This week, Austin directs two short plays under the title "Short Works of Dangerous Devotion" for the inagural DC Fringe Festival. Ionesco, Fornes, and Durang are the playwrights featured, and acclaimed actress Tina Renay Fulp(of Studio Theatre) stars in two of the three plays.

The review of SWDD says, "The first piece toys with fascism, the second with love and the third with religion." Yes, it's a brilliant review delving into the depths of the philosophical discussions brought forth by Austin and his co-director, my beloved aunt, Emily.

If you have never been to a Fringe Festival, this is your chance to see theatre from across the country. Unique, insane, dramatic, inspiring, sleep-inducing... Fringe has it all. I, myself, am greatly looking forward to the one featuring hand-made puppets.

So get up off your butt and support DC's local artists. They need to pay their rent, and you need to admit you haven't seen live theatre since that time your parents dragged you to see Cats on Broadway.

For more info on Short Works of Dangerous Devotion, go to:

Sunday, July 23

Recruit Extraordinaire!

Click here to see the ideal model of a Baby Recruit.

Now get to work Baby Army! Start perfecting your xylophone skills!

Tuesday, July 18

Meet the EmmaSquad

It is time to share with you the EmmaSquad. This is an elite team of military masterminds whose combined genius represent the backbone of the Baby Army.

I am pleased to present you with these talented and vicious Gurus of Pain.

(Agents Bob the Bender, Mo the Manipulator, Liz the Loquacious, and ACE the AssasSINator not pictured)

Wednesday, July 5

So Dark the Con of Emma

Many of you have asked about my success as Totalitarian Leader and Emperor of the Baby Army. Many of you wonder how I could achieve so much by seven months, and still more of you want to know the secret behind my unbridled wealth to fund my aspirations.

The truth lies in one simple answer: I am a model.

Yes, it is true. And I am not ashamed. I use my charmingly adorable good looks to lure both photographers and recruits alike. I am a double wedged sword.

So for those of you out there for whom I am a true mentor and inspiration, I've decided to post a few pieces from my weekend-long photo shoot at the beach. It was hard work and grueling hours - but when I glance over my blue prints for World Domination, and I discover each new recruit, I know that it is all worth it.

photography by Jennifer Waldron :

BABY RECRUITS! I demand you contact Jen immediately to get your own set of photographs! Report to my Jumperoo to discuss my preferred modeling poses and settings.