Wednesday, March 1

More Than Meets The Eye

Foiled again! Apparently Mom and Dad got wind of my plans to misuse the medicinal skills of Dr. Nanny and have chosen instead a "sweet, lovable mother of two" to watch me during the week. I suspect it was that hairy, drooling creature who tipped them off.

But little can sway my dreams of Total World Domination. And while I let them think they are on to me, I am always two steps ahead.

For example, only this morning I took a gander at the stack of nanny resumes left foolishly by my massage chair, and I noticed the "sweet, lovable mother of two" was not only fluent in three languages, but also trained in eight types of Kung Fu. Intriguing, I admit. But not intriguing enough to skool me! One look at her resume photo and I knew Miss Ana Marie was none other than AnneMarie, the youngest of my mother's sisters! It doesn't take a Master of Disguise to figure that one out. Fortunately, however, I do have that degree, along with my PhD in Whoop Ass.

But I'll let you, my obsequious fans, decide for yourselves. Is the photo below that of Ana Marie, the "sweet, lovable mother of two", or is it of Aunt Annie, the cold-blooded and poorly disguised samurai, out to squelch my dreams of totalitarian leadership?


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